Matches may be fractions that are equivalent, fractions and pictures that are equivalent, or two pictures that are equivalent. To begin place down any matches in front of you.Some players may have more cards than another, but this will not affect play. First, pass out the cards as equally as possible.Be the one left holding the fraction man, and whoops, you lose the game. You find pairs by drawing a card from another player’s hand until one person is left with the old maid.Ĭhange it around a little, and you are finding equivalent fraction pairs. Eeboo playing cards have been a staff favorite at The Toy Store for over 20 years Eeboo employs top children's book illustrators for their gorgeous game graphics Their cards are always made of a heavy. The concept of this fraction game is very simple. This Old Maid deck of cards is a fun version of an old favorite card game with cards that are laminated and strong, perfect for small hands. Finally, you can choose to laminate for extra durability.įraction Game: How to Play Oh No, Fraction Man.First, print off the cards on stock paper.This fraction card game is very simple to get ready to play. It walks you through numerous ideas on helping children visualize fractions…not just memorize how to solve a problem. This is a series that Math Geek Mama and I did together. Using visual models is a great way to build fraction sense, and helps children understand equivalent fractions better.